Admission open Session 2025-2026


Our student centered school fosters active lifelong learning and promotes healthy student development academically, socially, emotionally and physically in short – an all encompassing education. While academic excellence is a major thrust, the school is very keen on preparing our students for life. We groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow, and encourage them to be socially conscious. We consciously endeavour to live up to this ideology and inculcate this into everything we do. We provide our students with a rich language environment that supports the development of critical and divergent thinkers able to work collaboratively with others.


Our Core Aspiration is to provide an Educational Excellence, in that every student makes a positive difference during the time with us. In expecting Excellence we ensure that children enjoy school in a happy, safe and secure atmosphere designed to fulfill their potential. We also strive to provide a caring, supportive and challenging environment to the children, in which they can grow and flourish to the esteemed heights.

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Our children represent our hopes and dreams. Shaping young, impressionable minds is one of life’s biggest challenges. Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a high profile job, but a lifelong process which ingrains moral and ethical values in students. While respecting traditional values, we at BRD believe that only progressive education and a programme of studies will empower the students to lead fulfilling and productive lives in a changing world. We believe that academic learning is most effective when it is based upon active learning experiences, creative problem-solving and critical thinking



“A sound mind lives in a sound body.” Vidyapeeth is determined to develop ability, agility and endurance of its students by giving proper physical training to every child. Acers of land are available…


The school has raised half troop of NCC Junior Division Cadets-Boys & Girls- under 7 HR. Btln. NCC, Karnal to supply brilliant officers to Indian Forces and disciplined civilians to the nation.


Every Saturday but the Second is a activity day. Students are encouraged to develop and polish their latent talent. A variety of inter-house, inter and intra-class competitions are arranged from class Nursery…

Welcome to BRD Vidyapeeth

Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth is not mere an educational institute but it stands for a commitment to rise above the confines of conventional education. It aims to transform the nascent mind into literal fountainhead of ideals and is committed to excel.

The school has started its first academic session in April 2006 from the classes Pre-Nursery to VII to impart broad education to boys and girls with an aim to develop their mind physique, skills, personality and leadership traits to shape them into dynamic, productive, responsible, credible and global citizens. The school is affiliated to CBSE up to class XII vide affiliation code number 530611.

The School is run by a registered society. Namely, BABA RAM DAS JI GIRI CHARITABLE TRUST, KARNAL.






We at BABA RAM DAS VIDYAPEETH, shall create an atmosphere of academic excellence by providing Child Centred Education so that the children can imbibe all the basic values and education to become a good citizen of the country.



We at BABA RAM DAS VIDYAPEETH, shall create an atmosphere of academic excellence by providing Child Centred Education so that the children can imbibe all the basic values and education to become a good citizen of the country.